Farberware Ceramic Nonstick Bakeware Muffin & Cupcake Pan


Featured in lavender
12 cups
Rolled edges


Web exclusive! The Farberware PurECOok 12-cup Hybrid ceramic nonstick muffin & cupcake pan will quickly become your home baking best friend. It’s ideal for making delicious, single-serve treats like muffins and cupcakes or even mini quiches and crab cakes. Quilted surface detail helps airflow circulate around and under foods for beautiful, balanced results and the wide side handles allow for an easy grasp even while wearing oven mitts. You won’t regret updating your bakeware with this 12-cup pan.
Featured in lavender
12 cups
Rolled edges
Oven safe to 500 o F
Nonstick interior

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